Upcoming Events for 2015
CURE is very excited to partner with the Minnesota Master Naturalist Program to offer a Prairies and Potholes certification training. This course is being taught by longtime CURE member and Master Naturalist Kylene Olson. Beginning on March 10th and every Tuesday until May 19th, CURE will host a Minnesota Master Naturalist Training at our office in Montevideo. There are scholarships available through the Minnesota Master Naturalists Program. It is important to note that all sessions are required for certification as well as two field days scheduled for Saturday, April 25th and Saturday, May 16th.

SAVE the DATE! CURE’s 23rd Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th at the Maynard Community Center. The format will be fresh and new with a focus on some of the work that CURE is doing, a speaker, dinner catered by Budger’s Supper Club as well as a possible outing in the morning. We are still in the planning phase but please SAVE the DATE!
Wednesday, April 22nd at 5:15 PM, we will have an ACTION OPPORTUNITY with our Earth Day – Minnesota River Roadside Clean Up.
Saturday, May 9th from 11 AM to 3 PM, Grasp the Nettle! Workshop with CURE member Audrey Arner at Moonstone Farm. This event is co-sponsored by Milan Village Arts School and CURE.
July 10th & 11th another partnership with Land Stewardship and the Chippewa 10% Project will feature our second Simon Lake, MN BioBlitz. For more information, please visit our website and updates will be posted as they are made available.
CURE’s Events & Adventures series is funded primarily by member dollars and donations, if you are interested in supporting this important work, please click here.