What do Minnesotans need?
What do Minnesotans deserve?
What does this have to do with Give to the Max Day 2017?
Give to the Max Day was created in 2009 to launch GiveMN, a collaborative venture led by Minnesota Community Foundation and many others committed to helping make our state a better place. GiveMN links donors with organizations, such as CURE, that are working to make Minnesota a better place. Give to the Max Day has become an annual tradition. Every year thousands of organizations and individuals generate donations and excitement for causes to improve the quality of life for all Minnesotans.
This year CURE is using Give to the Max Day to highlight the work we do every day towards a just and healthy future for Minnesota—Our Vision for Minnesota.
It doesn’t matter where we live—
- ALL Minnesotans deserve to live in healthy communities with clean water, clean air, and healthy food.
- ALL Minnesotans deserve guaranteed quality healthcare, and our kids deserve the best public education that we can provide.
- We ALL deserve to live in communities where racial justice, gender equity, and fairness are the guiding community principles where we can ALL live together without fear.
—We can make this vision reality if we demand that Minnesota be a state where ALL voices are welcome, and ALL voices are heard.
As we end 2017 and begin 2018, CURE is working on this vision every day. For 25 years CURE has been a leading voice on climate, energy, and water, but education, healthcare, equity, and justice, are also essential in creating the healthy, vibrant, and sustainable communities—Our Vision for Minnesota—that we ALL deserve.
Give to the Max Day is a wonderful opportunity for you to invest in Our Vision for Minnesota. Your financial support is vitally needed to reach this vision. Dollars from grassroots advocates like you cover the costs for CURE to bring communities together for meetings and events, communicating our vision to decision makers, and growing our circle of support and power.
Starting November 1st, you can make your Give to Max Day contribution; this is an easy and convenient way to ensure that CURE meets our $10,000 goal by November 16th. Visit – https://givemn.org/organization/clean-up-the-river-environment – to invest in Our Vision for Minnesota and CURE today.