CURE believes that our environmental goals around water and climate will only be met if we have the support of an engaged, networked, and capable base of grassroots citizen advocates.
Getting people connected with nature is often our first point for engagement. Connecting People with Nature fun way to bring like-minded people together and introduce them to our organization. For example, CURE has partnered with Land Stewardship Project and Minnesota State Agencies for three successful Tallgrass Prairie BioBlitz events. Participants learned about plants, animals, geology, and land management practices that impact our most endangered ecosystem.
CURE also helps hosts the Minnesota Master Naturalist Prairies & Potholes Biome training each summer at Lac qui Parle State Park. You will not find a better place on the tall grass prairie to learn about the Prairies and Potholes biome. Lac qui Parle State Park has both a river floodplain and prairie hillsides and is home to a very diverse collection of wildlife. The park boasts a phenomenal migratory flight territory with a variety of birds to see and learn about. In addition to the physical and natural features of the park, there is a rich history with the Dakota people who include this part of the river basin as part of their ancestral homelands.
For more information about these events and trainings contact Peg Furshong, Programs and Operations Director, or 320-269-2984.