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Informational Briefing: Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Summit CO2 Pipeline in Otter Tail and Wilkins Counties

August 6, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join CURE for an informational briefing on the just-released Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for Summit Carbon Solutions’ proposed CO2 pipeline in Otter Tail and Wilkins counties. CURE’s legal staff and experts will walk through this important document to examine what the MN Department of Commerce got right, where the review falls short, and how Minnesotans can share their feedback and concerns about this critical decision-making process.

Background: On July 31st, the MN Department of Commerce released its Final Environmental Impact Statement for the 28-mile segment of Summit Carbon Solutions’ CO2 pipeline in Otter Tail and Wilkin Counties. Summit’s current application before the MN Public Utilities Commission is just one fragment of the 240+ miles of pipeline the company is planning to build in Minnesota as part of its proposed 5-state, $8.5 billion Midwest Carbon Express pipeline network. The FEIS is intended to inform Commissioners, other state agencies, and the public about the expected social, environmental, and economic impacts and risks of the pipeline. While the project is seeking a variety of permits in all 5 states, Minnesota’s EIS is the only publicly-accessible, official review of the human and environmental impacts of constructing and operating a pipeline of this type at either the state or federal level.

Register Here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jDx900YqRaOvsthKmNfp7A


Register Here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jDx900YqRaOvsthKmNfp7A