CO2 Pipelines & CCS: Not MNs Answer to a Carbon Free Future
HF 9 is a bill authored by Rep. Chris Swedzinski (R-Ghent) and it will make changes to Minnesota’s 100% Carbon Free Energy Standard. One big change is to add language to make it Minnesota law to “support the development and deployment of carbon capture and sequestration technologies in Minnesota.”
So-called carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a failed climate “solution” favored by the oil and gas companies and other industries that emit CO2 to keep making lots of money in a decarbonizing future. Even with huge taxpayer subsidies, CCS hasn’t reduced CO2 emissions and can be very dangerous for people living near CO2 pipelines.
Learn more about the problems with CCS and CO2 pipelines and the risks they pose for Minnesota’s communities:
In January, the House Energy Finance and Policy Committee approved HF 9 and sent it to the House Taxes Committee. This bill could be voted on by the House soon. It’s critical for lawmakers to hear from people who will be affected by these projects.
👉 Your Minnesota Legislator needs to know about the concerns, risks, and problems these projects could bring to our lands, waters, and communities.
👉 Write to your representative to tell them who you are, why you care, and what concerns you have about a policy that would advance Carbon Capture and CO2 pipelines.
Let your Rep know that CCS ≠ MN’s Carbon Free Future
👉 Make it Personal
Your story makes a big impact on decision-makers.
Please add a note about why this issue matters to you!