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Just fill out the form below, and we’ll make sure you’re always in the loop with the latest opportunities to create positive change. But wait, there’s more! As you scroll down, you’ll find a variety of meaningful actions that align with your interests. Pick the ones that resonate with you the most, and let’s team up to make an impact together.
Tell MN Legislators to support 100% E-Waste Recycling
CURE and our allies will again be pushing for a bill that supports 100% Recycling of Electronic Waste that would require electronic manufacturers to fully fund the collection of all electronic waste, ensuring it’s recycled responsibly in all parts of the state.
Action Alert | Support 100% E-Waste Recycling across MN
Share your concerns + Demand that the USDA reject NTEC’s loan application
Minnesota Power and Dairyland Power Cooperative have been working for years to build a new $700 million natural gas plant – the Nemedji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) in Superior, Wisconsin – just across the shore from Duluth. The plant would send 20% of its electricity to Minnesota, putting Minnesotans on the hook for its costs and pollution. This plant impacts Minnesotans – WE HAVE A VOICE HERE.
Action Alert | Share your concerns + Demand that the USDA reject NTEC’s loan application
CURE is powered by people like you who don’t just sit on the sidelines. You know that being involved —no matter how big or small—is how you create change.
More ways to Take Action:
- Write Letters to the Editor to lift up the issues important to you and CURE’s work.
- Amplify CURE’s message on Social Media by sharing posts about our work.
- Volunteer to help at CURE events.
- Invest in our work with financial support CURE.
Let us know if you would like to be a person we can count on to Take Action! Contact Peg Furshong, Operations & Programs Director at or by calling 320-269-2984.