CO2 Pipeline Otter Tail to Wilkin County
📢 Comment on the Final Environmental Impact Statement 📢
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is deciding if it should issue a route permit for the Otter Tail to Wilkin County portion of Summit Carbon Solutions proposed CO2 pipeline and Carbon Capture project.
Last year, the PUC decided that Summit Carbon Solutions’ proposed CO2 pipeline and carbon capture project must undergo an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the most rigorous form of Environmental Review available in Minnesota. The information in this EIS will be used by the PUC, other state agencies, and local governments in their decision-making and permitting for the project.
As part of this process, the Department of Commerce developed a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which they released on July 31, 2024. The public now has the chance to weigh in on whether this FEIS sufficiently assesses the project’s impacts and responds to comments on information that may be missing, confusing, or incorrect.
Neither Minnesota’s state agencies nor Summit has any experience building, operating, or overseeing CO2 pipelines or carbon capture projects. The claims in the FEIS that the many impacts of this pipeline will be “minimal” are unsupported by the overwhelming evidence that has been provided throughout this process, regarding carbon pipelines and pipeline construction generally.
We need a careful analysis and credible assessment of how this project could affect our homes, lands, waters, wildlife, and communities. If the Department of Commerce is unable to meet the standards of review that Minnesotans deserve under the law, then this FEIS should not be used as the basis for permitting this project.
Comments are due by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Comments made using this form will be emailed directly to the Department of Commerce and submitted into the docket* with your name, email, and city. See the FEIS Notice of Availability for more info on the comment process and upcoming public meetings.
*These comments will be submitted into the public record. CURE will not vet comments, but we encourage commenters to keep in mind that your words will be viewable to the public and to refrain from using offensive or threatening language.
Comment Form
Suggested outline for comments:
- Introduce yourself: Who you are, where you live, and the reason you’re commenting (why does this matter to you?).
- Adequacy: Does this FEIS provide enough credible information to make a decision about this project? Did the Department of Commerce get something wrong or fail to supply enough detail? Let them know!
- Impact: Explain the potential impacts that concern you. These could include such things as water quality, air quality, impacts on your community, economic effects, land degredation, health, etc. Try to be as specific as you can!
- Importance: Why would this impact be significant? Who or what would be affected?
Issues & Concerns:
Below are some issues that have been raised about this Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), but this is by no means a comprehensive list. Feel free to bring your own experience, expertise, and concerns to this process. Begin in the box labeled “Personalize Your Comment on the FEIS for the Otter Tail to Wilkin CO2 Pipeline Project” After you tell the PUC a bit about yourself (who you are/your perspective), feel free to copy and paste any of the sections below. You can add or delete any part you wish.